St. Thomas Episcopal Church's Fundraiser

We can fund an elementary school classroom to prevent human trafficking in warzones
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
Friends of Saint Thomas!
Let's do something different this February to celebrate Valentine's Day. I believe that genuine love, at its core, requires selfless giving and caring for those in need — especially the world's most vulnerable orphans and widows in their distress.
For children living in extreme poverty and war, there is nowhere to go for safety and freedom. In Sudan and South Sudan, over 70% of school-age children are not receiving an education. In these conditions, it’s become more likely for a 13-year-old girl to die in childbirth than to learn to read and write. This is tragic since education has been proven to be a critical tool in reducing key factors that make someone vulnerable to the horrors of human trafficking.
Join me in preventing human trafficking by helping to fund funding an elementary school classroom with Lift Up the Vulnerable.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Lift Up the Vulnerable
Let’s reclaim Valentine’s Day and grow love for the world’s most vulnerable.
Rev. Josiah Rengers