Mary Manning's Fundraiser

Let’s LUV Strong and prevent human trafficking — together!
Let's let kids be kids.
Juliet (my 11 year old) came to me and said she wants to get stronger over the summer--so, I was all in. We brainstormed our goal and the path.
Then, an old high school friend asked that I take part in a summer fitness challenge for the non-profit she works for, LUV.
Lift Up the Vulnerable (LUV) protects, educates, and helps to empower vulnerable children and women to be change makers in their communities.
Please join me and Juliet in supporting real change by making a contribution to our LUV Strong campaign. A gift of any amount will have a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of children and women vulnerable to exploitation in Sudan and South Sudan. Seriously, $25 feeds one child for ONE MONTH.
o $25 - Meets the critical nutritional needs of a vulnerable child for one month.
o $70 - Provides one student with school shoes and a uniform made by local tailors.
o $100 - Offers preventative medical care for children and women.
o $200 - Empowers a survivor with meaningful work for one month.
o $500 - Employs a local teacher to educate students for one month.
o $1,000 - Equips local leaders to respond quickly to emergencies.
o $2,500 - Protects, educates, and mentors a child for one year
Thank you! (Curious about our goal? We want to complete the 11 mile trail loop in our neighborhood...! Our updates will be in Strava)!
-Mary and Juliet